This week is Suicide Prevention Week
If you are concerned that someone you know may be experiencing suicidal thoughts, we encourage you to open up this conversation with them directly.
If you are currently in a mental health crisis or feeling acutely suicidal and concerned that you cannot keep yourself safe, you need to call 111 and select option 2 or call 999. If you are under 18 call 0300 300 1600.
Below are a list of mental health services that can support you if you or a loved one are feeling suicidal.
- Reach Out for Mental Health (07308069609) :
A free service which offers an opportunity for people to just talk they’re going through.
- MIND Thurrock (01375 391 411) :
We are a mental health charity founded in 1980, and since then have been developing and delivering high quality services with, and for, people with a mental health problem living in Thurrock.
- Inclusion Thurrock (01375 898680) :
We offer a simple gateway for adults across Thurrock to access talking therapies.
- Samaritans (116 123) :
A 24 hour help line.
- CALM (0800585858):
Campaign against living miserably help line open 5pm to midnight every day.
- Maytree Sanctuary (07308069609) :
Phone line open 10am to 6pm.
- Papyrus Hope line UK (08000684141) prevention of young suicide :
Phone line open 9am to midnight.