Latest news and views

Are you getting the eye care you need?
Complete our short survey and tell the NHS if you're getting the right help to prevent or deal with sight problems.

Lung Health Check Scanners arrive in Thurrock!
The long-awaited Targeted Lung Health Checks for Thurrock have begun with the first CT scanner mobile units arriving on 7 December at Thurrock Community Hospital.

Healthwatch Thurrock Highly Commended in National Awards
Local health and social care champion has been highly commended at the Healthwatch England Annual Conference for their work with Sexual Abuse Services in Thurrock.

GPs' collective action - Healthwatch England's response
The British Medical Association has announced today that GPs will start capping appointments in an immediate work-to-rule action following a dispute…

We want to ensure Thurrock is a dementia friendly community
Healthwatch Thurrock aim to ensure that service users, carers and professionals voices are fed into the dementia strategy to help shape the future.

Healthwatch Thurrock hosted successful 'Care for Carers' event
Last week Healthwatch Thurrock invited local carers and their loved one to join us for lunch and a focus group session to discuss their support…
Latest reports and publication

Deep Dive: Access to Stop Smoking Services
A look into access barriers and challenges for the residents of Thurrock
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Maternity Matters Report
'Maternity Matters' work emerged as a result of various factors at both local and national levels. These influences created the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at the experiences of expecting and new parents in Thurrock, with the aim of enhancing services both locally and nationally.
Find out more